We have an absolutely beautiful litter of Purebred Saint Bernard babies, 3 Girls and 4 Boys!
Purebred Saint Bernard Puppies We have an absolutely beautiful litter of Purebred Saint
Bernard babies, 3 Girls and 4 Boys! Choose your pupnow, pups can go home now. Pups also come home with a perfect puppy pack which includes Collar/harness, leash, food and water dishes, towel/blanket from mama to help with transition. toys, treats, bag of lifes abundance puppy food, brush, nail clippers and last but certainly not least, pups are introduced to basic commands and we’ll on their way to being potty trained! We are busy getting ready for each tiny moment of sweetness.Sadie is a sweet puppy that’s growing quickly. She is fun to watch as she runs around and plays in the yard. She loves to cuddle and give puppy kisses so get ready for a sweet puppy with a wonderful disposition. She’ll grow into a adorable dog that will be gentle and loving. When you take this girl walking, people will take notice.