Truly Gorgeous Doberman Pups With Superb Breeding Many years of selective breeding have led to this very special litter from our own "Bella" (URLIKE
Truly Gorgeous Doberman Pups With Superb Breeding
Many years of selective breeding have led to this very special litter from our own “Bella” (URLIKE SAWAGES (IMP BIH)) and our well known stud dog COME AS YOU ARE I-REX (IMP SCG), better known as “Cheeky”. (See his stud dog advert for details of this fabulous dog).
Bella and Cheeky are both absolutely lovely dogs, very friendly, intelligent, loving and extremely good looking. Bella, who is 3, just loves to play ball and have fun, while Cheeky at 7 would prefer to chase the quad bike around the field!
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