Champion Beagle Puppies +(44) 7440524997
- Contact Person Name Youerdsa
- Microchipped Yes
- Neutered Yes
- Pet Breed Beagle
- Pets Current Age 11 weeks old
- Pet Type Beagle
- Sex Male and female
- Vaccinations Up-to-Date Yes
- Registered Yes
- Mobile Phone +(44) 7440524997
- Phone +(44) 7440524997
- Whatsup Number +(44) 7440524997
Champion Beagle Puppies
+(44) 7440524997
A dog is for life not just for christmas so do think of the reasons you are having a dog and how you will look after it for the next 12-15years.
Beagles are active dogs so anyone intrested I would advice you research the breed